Monday, July 19, 2010

Book One - Born to Run

Ok so, I am not certain I can be classified as one "Born to Run" but dang it if I will not die trying. See for some individuals things like this come easy and like life that's just the way it is. Not the case with me, but as the book speaks of the joy and internal pleasure that comes from running . . . . . now that I can identify with. I have been told over and over that "its not the runs we go on that we regret, but the ones we don't." Undoubted truth in this. Call me crazy but there is untapped peace and strength in the madness. The book states, “Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction.” We've been ingrained to think that if a struggle arises then select a different path. Which in turn causes us to be soft and weak not just in sports but in life. I also took from the read, that too much support corrupts. Granted in the text it was speaking of sneakers but the subliminal message was clear. Just as the support of a running shoe causes our feet to weaken and alter its natural state so does too much support in life. Take it as you will, but its true none the less. For those bothered by this statement, put some big boy panties on; life is what YOU make it not what someone makes for you. Now, please remember that these are just a few things I took from the book. "Born to Run" contains timeless advice, mind-blowing feats, unique cultures and subcultures, friendships to envy, and races to inspire the least of runners. Pick it up; you won't put it down.

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