Monday, July 19, 2010

Book Two - The Last Lecture

If there is one thing I have adopted from this book, it is this . . . . . ."if there is an elephant in the room, introduce it." Embrace it. And let the "peanuts" fall where they may.
It is in these moments, when we avoid or disguise that proverbial elephant that we deter others from the relief of expression or we ourselves build a wall. For whatever reason, it is my mission to create an aura about myself that allows others to express freely and in turn let down my guard to reveal MYSELF to others. Lesson number two - its never to late to live out your dreams. Not to say that those dreams do not evolve and alter over time, but its never too late. Dream big because it inspires others to do so. Randy Pausch inspired me for sure. He caused me to assess what is important in my life and what it is that I want from life. He challenges his readers to be ever learning. And when we face a "brick wall" it is not a dead end. "They are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something." Lesson number three - people are far more important than things. "Go out and do for others what somebody did for you." Enable the dreams of others because whether you admit it or not someone somewhere somehow enabled yours. And, "When we're connected to others, we become better people."

In the end, what is it that we want to experience in this life and what have we taken from those experiences that we want to leave behind for others? (you probably thought I was about to list those here for you . . . not a chance. :)

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