Thursday, August 26, 2010

"There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose."

I began this book so not wanting to read it, but as the rules of this adventure would have it, the read was a must. The book was phenomenal. I honestly can say I walked away from this one with an altered perspective. To be frankly honest, life can be shitty. Kiddos, if you are reading this believe mom (or mumzy) when I say it, because it is true. Play the hand you are dealt to the best of your ability and don't make any excuses. And if it is something you believe in or love above all else, don't you ever quit no matter how tough the road gets. Know that life is balanced and what goes around eventually comes around. It is not for us to decide who gets what. Love all with reckless abandon because in the end you may not be the last one standing and those you chose to love will lift you up.

"There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose."

Friday, August 13, 2010

Book Six - Always Looking Up

Oh gosh, I am going to try not to be too harsh here. But honesty is necessary. I despise propaganda. I feel as if mankind comes into existence with a free will and mind to choose for oneself. When an idea or concept is forced upon me, my natural reaction is to choose the complete opposite whether that is actually my belief or not. That being said, I believe that everyone is in some way my teacher and that it is my responsibility to glean something from each encounter. So, what I take from Michael is a passion for life realizing that "sometimes bad things happen, but it's how you deal with those things that matters." "Life can still be good. It's all about how you face the challenges."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Book Five - Eat. Pray. Love.

"Tell me, if you would be so kind--how exactly were you planning to stop that?"

Allow me to explain the line above by a short passage from the book: "In my dream, standing beside me on the beach in all his power. I was terrified. He pointed to the approaching waves and said sternly, "I want you to figure out a way to stop that from happening." Panicked, I whipped out a notebook and tried to draw inventions that would stop the ocean waves from advancing. I drew massive seawalls and canals and dams. All my designs were so stupid and pointless, though. I knew I was way out of my league here (I'm not an engineer!) but I could feel Swamiji watching me, impatient and judgmental. Finally I gave up. None of my inventions were clever or strong enough to keep those waves from breaking. . . . . . . . . "Tell me, dear one," he said, and he pointed out toward the colossal, powerful, endless, rocking ocean. "Tell me, if you would be so kind--how exactly were you planning on stopping that?"

At times my life seems just this way, truthfully more often than not. I like Liz try to devise a course of action to fight an impossible feat. Life happens. And is, for the most part, not within my control. Destiny is defined as a play between divine grace and willful self-effort. "Half of it you have no control over; half of it is absolutely in your hands, and your actions show measurable consequence." The part I control is my mind, my thoughts, and my reaction. I can do nothing about the "ocean;" it is what it is. I "need to learn how to select my thoughts just the same way I select what clothes I am gonna wear everyday. This is a power I can cultivate." This is my declaration: "I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore." My treasure--My perfection--is within me already. "But to claim it, I must leave the busy commotion of the mind and abandon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart." It is said that, "this is why all the suffering and pain of life on earth is worthwhile--just for the chance to experience this infinite love." And God knows I long to make the acquaintance of this . . . . . "LOVE."

Book Four - Same Kind of Different As Me

Hmmmmmm. Same Kind of Different As Me took me completely by surprise. (Warning: Mark, you are DEAD for suggesting this one!) So, if reading the Last Lecture didn't kick you in the arse then this one will most definitely pick up the slack. Reading this book was like stepping out on the "Wipeout" course for my maiden attempt. See I read along just thinking I was doing just fine, simply discovering the depth of a true friendship, when out of no where I was sucker punched right in the face. Yes, I will not deny the relationship shared by Denver and Ron is a relationship most never know. Two men from completely different worlds both fighting the 'catch and release' mentality of friendship. Neither one had any great thing to bring to the table just simple trust which with time bloomed into amazing love. Having mentioned that and while its more than I may have experienced personally it is not what hit me in the eye that hurts. That right hook came from unsuspecting Deborah, who, in spite of it all, possessed implicit grace. Her unconditional love allowed her to forgive an unfaithful husband and his mistress with notable poise. "This is Deborah Hall, Ron's wife," she said calmly into the phone. I tried to imagine the shocked face on the other end of the line. "I want you to know that I don't blame you for the affair with my husband," Deborah went on. "I know that I've not been the kind of wife Ron needed, and I take responsibility for that." She paused, listening. Then: "I want you to know that I forgive you," Deborah said. "I hope that you find someone who will not only truly love you but honor you." Her grace stunned me. But not nearly as much as what she said next: " I intend to work on being the best wife Ron could ever want, and if I do my job right, you will not be hearing from my husband again." Holy balls, wow! How does one love like that? This is only one example, she had mad love for everyone no matter where they were at. Now you see why my eye hurts :) Love like this is Divine and man apart from the Divine cannot possess or demonstrate such love. But wow when the chemistry is there its a mindblowing demonstration.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Book Three - The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

I have spent weeks procrastinating writing this blog. And after all this time, all I have to say is . . . READ IT. Seriously read it. I am certain what I walked away with will not be what you may take but it is so very rich nonetheless. Trust me: just read.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Book Two - The Last Lecture

If there is one thing I have adopted from this book, it is this . . . . . ."if there is an elephant in the room, introduce it." Embrace it. And let the "peanuts" fall where they may.
It is in these moments, when we avoid or disguise that proverbial elephant that we deter others from the relief of expression or we ourselves build a wall. For whatever reason, it is my mission to create an aura about myself that allows others to express freely and in turn let down my guard to reveal MYSELF to others. Lesson number two - its never to late to live out your dreams. Not to say that those dreams do not evolve and alter over time, but its never too late. Dream big because it inspires others to do so. Randy Pausch inspired me for sure. He caused me to assess what is important in my life and what it is that I want from life. He challenges his readers to be ever learning. And when we face a "brick wall" it is not a dead end. "They are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something." Lesson number three - people are far more important than things. "Go out and do for others what somebody did for you." Enable the dreams of others because whether you admit it or not someone somewhere somehow enabled yours. And, "When we're connected to others, we become better people."

In the end, what is it that we want to experience in this life and what have we taken from those experiences that we want to leave behind for others? (you probably thought I was about to list those here for you . . . not a chance. :)

Book One - Born to Run

Ok so, I am not certain I can be classified as one "Born to Run" but dang it if I will not die trying. See for some individuals things like this come easy and like life that's just the way it is. Not the case with me, but as the book speaks of the joy and internal pleasure that comes from running . . . . . now that I can identify with. I have been told over and over that "its not the runs we go on that we regret, but the ones we don't." Undoubted truth in this. Call me crazy but there is untapped peace and strength in the madness. The book states, “Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through the obstruction.” We've been ingrained to think that if a struggle arises then select a different path. Which in turn causes us to be soft and weak not just in sports but in life. I also took from the read, that too much support corrupts. Granted in the text it was speaking of sneakers but the subliminal message was clear. Just as the support of a running shoe causes our feet to weaken and alter its natural state so does too much support in life. Take it as you will, but its true none the less. For those bothered by this statement, put some big boy panties on; life is what YOU make it not what someone makes for you. Now, please remember that these are just a few things I took from the book. "Born to Run" contains timeless advice, mind-blowing feats, unique cultures and subcultures, friendships to envy, and races to inspire the least of runners. Pick it up; you won't put it down.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am setting out on an "adventure". No, my sneakers are not laced tight and I don't have water in hand. This is a different sort of adventure; something for the mind and soul. It involves 52 books in fifty-two weeks. Each book selected by a source other than myself, so that as fate would have it I can take from each read exactly what I was meant to gain. I hope to not bore you with the mundane details of self discovery, but rather share with you the wisdom each author had for us to snag. This is in fact a new experience for me, but its time to STEP OUT. Its going to be excellent for all involved. Hope you enjoy the journey.